Monday, July 28, 2008

Former Penguin Possible ESPN Replacement for Melrose

Going Five Hole discusses part of the Matthew Barnaby interview with LCS Hockey when he talks about the possibility of his replaing Barry Melrose as an NHL Analyst for ESPN.

Not only does Barnaby talk about his playing days and his long feud with Lyle Odelein he also drops a little nugget of information about his possible future endeavors.

Barnaby, who makes the occasional appearance on TSN, noted he was going to meet with ESPN executives about the open position as lead NHL analyst with the WorldWide Leader. I did a poll over at Puck Daddy about who should replace Barry Melrose as the puck-talking head over at ESPN. While Barnaby wasn't included as one of the choices, he is an interesting option. He's definitely an out-spoken character with plenty of NHL experience, but I just don't see ESPN selecting him. It does baffle me why the need for a big NHL analyst on a network that barely covers the sport anyway.

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